
Google World Wonders Project - bring the wonders of the world to life

Google, one of my favorite resources for education with tons of great apps and resources, has another great resource for education.

Google World Wonders Project takes images from Google Street View and make great places of the world, from Pompeii to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, available to anyone. Users can explore and navigate the area, including places not easily accessible. There are also 3D models, YouTube videos and photos of these historic sites. You can browse by topic or by your location.

Teachers can bring students on virtual field trips to some wonderful places on our great planet.  The Education page has teacher guides (free PDF download) for primary and secondary school, along with historic sites organized by class and topic.

I was playing with it for a while today and thought it was a great way to explore some pretty cool places around the world

It is a great way to teach, and learn about, historical sites, history, and geography.


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